Tools to Declutter Your Mind (Cognitive Defusion)

I'm somewhere between not wanting ski season to end & counting down the days for picnics & sunny strolls around my neighborhood admiring signs of spring. There's a lot on the horizon for me (more on that later) & I know that my mind is circulating a lot of thoughts in anticipation of what is to come. But enough about about you? How calm, chaotic, or somewhere in between is your mental & emotional state right now? 

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy for our minds to become cluttered with thoughts, worries, and stresses. But what is reassuring is that we can learn to become the master of our minds & explore effective ways to declutter and foster mental clarity. There are many avenues, so if mindfulness practices aren't your jam, keep scrolling & listen to what is touted as the world's most relaxing song! 

P.S. If you are a client of mine, you probably have been guided in session to practice some of these techniques. Repetition, as research illustrates, is what's required to effectively rewire the brain & change any helpful habits.

Tools To Declutter & Free Up Mental Space 

1. Thought Diffusion 

Thought diffusion is a cognitive technique that can help distance yourself from your thoughts, allowing you to observe versus absorb the content of your thoughts. When you are in the observer role of your thought patterns it leads to being more emotionally balanced, less reactive, and the capacity to take more supportive actions.  

To see cognitive diffusion in action, here's an educational  video.

Externalizing Thoughts: Treat your thoughts as separate entities by giving them amusing names or visualizing them as objects floating by. This helps you detach from the emotional weight of the thought. Have you seen the Pixar movie "Inside Out"? They do this, but by characterizing & externalizing emotions vs. thoughts. Same concept though. 

Labeling Thoughts: When a thought arises, simply label it as a thought without getting entangled in its content. For example, instead of saying "I'm worthless," acknowledge it as "I'm having the thought that I'm worthless."

Mindfulness Meditation: Engage in mindfulness meditation practices watching your thoughts without getting hooked by them or judging yourself for what types of thoughts surface. This helps create space between you and your thoughts, allowing them to pass by like clouds in the sky.  My dear friend & owner of Mastermind Meditation has many offerings here on Insight Timer.

2. Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques can bring your focus back to the present moment, helping to clear your mind of intrusive thoughts. Try the following grounding exercises:

5-4-3-2-1 Method: Engage your senses by identifying five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

Deep Breathing: Take slow, deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of air entering and leaving your body. This simple act can help calm racing thoughts and induce relaxation. Breathe To Relax Video

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Tense and then relax each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. This technique helps release physical tension and promotes mental clarity.

3. Sound Therapy & A Song To Decrease Anxiety by 65%

"Weightless" by Marconi Union is a mesmerizing ambient music track renowned for its calming and soothing qualities. Released in 2011, this 8-minute composition was specifically designed in collaboration with sound therapists to induce relaxation and reduce anxiety.

Research conducted by the Mindlab International in 2011 found that "Weightless" is remarkably effective in reducing anxiety levels. In fact, the study reported that the song led to a 65% reduction in overall anxiety among participants.

"Weightless" has a unique combination of musical elements with carefully crafted rhythms that mimic a heartbeat of 60 bpm slowing down to 50 bpm + harmonies & frequencies that soothe an overactive thought or emotional pattern. It is believed to synchronize brainwaves and promote a sense of calmness and well-being.

Remember, mental wellness is a journey, and it's okay to seek support when needed. If you find yourself struggling to clear your mind or manage intrusive thoughts, know that I am always here for you...In fact, I actually am accepting new clients & even have a tool to calculate out-of-network reimbursement for sessions:

Until next time, take care of yourselves and remember that your mental health matters...because YOU matter. Always. 

Be kind to your mind + body, 